OSGI Lifecycle
Since Liferay has adopted OSGI standards it is necessary for us to know basic's of OSGI.
OSGI-stands for Open Services Gateway initiative.
Basic OSGI Module Lifecycle
OSGI Lifecycle includes following states
- Installed
- Resolved
- Starting
- Active
- Stopping
- Uninstalled
1) Installed
The bundle has been installed into the OSGi container, but some required bundle dependencies is missing the bundle in this state can’t be start.
2) Resolved
When bundle is in resolved state means all the required
dependencies is available.And bundle is ready to be started.
3) Starting
Bundle is being started and BundleActivator.start() method is
Bundle with lazy activation policy stay in this state until one of
class file is loaded.It is state between resolved and active.
4) Active
The bundle is active and running.
5) Stopping
Bundle is being stopped & BundleActivator.stop() method is
executed.After stopping state is complete it again enters in to resolved state,Once enter in resolved state it can again started.
6) Uninstalled
Bundle has been removed from OSGI container.